Wednesday 8 October 2014

game concepts

Q: What is a game concept?
A: A game concept starts with an idea.
I am going to make a anti PAC man where you play as the ghosts
trying to stop PAC man you have to corner him to capture him and he has to go round killing the people if he picks up the gun he can kill you al
so have to save the people by going over them and then go back to base you've got to save as many people as you can best to do it while PAC man is capture but he will escape and try to kill the people still there 
Who is this game for? (Target age group / target gender /target culture / target system for game)
The game is for all age groups all genders though probably not for hard-core gamers it will be on pc 

Who is going to make it? (You or a team)

Me because it’s a small game and wont need a team

Why are you making the game?

Because i need to for my course and i might be able to get feedback so i can be a better game designer to get loads of money
What are you going to use/need for this game (not just sprites and sounds but people and software/hardware)?
Game maker Photoshop sprites sounds a computer will probably need about a week 
Is it a single or multiplayer game?
It would be a single player game or a multiplayer game on the same console

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